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The Power of Mentoring Others With Lung Cancer

Written by Lisa Wu
Posted on January 29, 2021

Having any type of cancer can be tough, but working through those challenges with others can make the journey a little less difficult. Here at MyLungCancerTeam, we’re driven by our mission to help people connect to those who understand.

We’re excited to expand the scope of our mission by partnering with Imerman Angels, a nonprofit organization that pairs people with cancer from all around the world with a Mentor Angel who has been through similar challenges.

Together, we can change the way we live with lung cancer by guaranteeing that no one has to go through this journey alone.

About Imerman Angels

When Jonny Imerman was first diagnosed with cancer at age 26, he wasn’t sure who to talk to. Jonny had a valuable network of family and friends, but he wanted to speak with someone who had experience with his diagnosis and could offer personal advice for all the twists and turns of life with cancer.

As a result, Jonny began to imagine a program that creates one-on-one connections between people like him and those who have been in their shoes before. He founded Imerman Angels in 2003 for that purpose. Now, the Mentor Angels program is a centerpiece of Imerman Angels’ mission. The Mentor Angels are a diverse group of previvors, cancer survivors, and caregivers. Over 11,706 mentors and 28,659 mentees have participated worldwide (as of October 2020), and the program is continuing to grow.

The Power of Mentoring Others

Both Imerman Angels and MyLungCancerTeam offer support for every individual, no matter where they are. Our missions complement each other, allowing those with cancer to both connect to a broader community and develop peer-to-peer relationships.

Social connections have been shown to improve overall health and longevity, especially as people age. Many mentors have found it extremely meaningful to pass the knowledge they’ve gained onto others. For some, it’s become a huge part of their lives.

More than 40 comprehensive criteria are used to match Mentor Angels with mentees, including demographic information, cancer history, and treatment. All information is kept confidential and is never shared with anyone except the person you agree to support.

Each potential mentor works with a staff member of Imerman Angels to get screened and trained.

“When my dad was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer just months before my wedding, the entire world stopped for me," said Sarah, a caregiver Mentor Angel. "He was absolutely amazing throughout the whole process, and come September 2018, he walked me down the aisle and I felt like the luckiest girl in the whole world. The battle with cancer rages on, but for me, being a Mentor Angel reminds me that we are not fighting it alone. In our togetherness, for all mentees and mentors, there is a unique kind of kinship. It reminds me that separately, we can all feel scared and so very helpless in the face of cancer, but together we can achieve much more, as in union there is always strength.”

Get Connected

To get started as a mentor, either as a cancer previvor, survivor, or caregiver, follow these seven steps:

  1. Visit and click “become a mentor angel.”
  2. Fill out a brief online registration form.
  3. Within one business day, an Imerman Angels representative will be in touch.
  4. Start your Mentor Angels training. Imerman Angels will reach out when they find someone requesting support on the experiences you have shared.
  5. After you’ve been matched with a mentee, introduce yourself. From here on out, the two of you can set your own pace, whether it’s connecting via weekly conversations or just answering the occasional question.
  6. Keep the momentum going. Share MyLungCancerTeam as an additional resource to maintain engagement between calls.
  7. Three weeks after the match, you will receive a follow-up survey. You can also share how your connection is going with your match in the comments below to inspire others!

Lisa Wu is pursuing a Bachelor of Science at Yale University in molecular, cellular, and developmental biology. Learn more about her here.

A MyLungCancerTeam Member


April 27, 2021
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